And they always, always win riddle contests.

They can send coded messages that authority figures mistake for silly songs or children’s poems. With their crafty whispers, they can manipulate you by pandering to your ego or preying on your worst fears. They can find a loophole in the wording of any rule, and they can trick you into signing all your power and fortune away with one seemingly harmless agreement. If they don’t have magic to lean on, they will probably be skilled at creative costume design. If they have magical abilities, they will probably be fond of shapeshifting from one sneaky form to the next. Outsmarting one of these characters is next to impossible, but brains aren’t the only weapon in their arsenal. Tricksters are, of course, well known for their scheming brains. When animals appear as Tricksters, they are usually small predators like foxes or coyotes. What they lack in brawn, they make up for with their agility and their expressive faces. They are usually male characters, a little bit on the small side but attractive nevertheless. Still, there are some norms about the appearance of these social deviants. They can be men, gods, magical creatures, or animals, as the qualities that unite them come from their personality, not their physical appearance. Tricksters come in all forms, shapes, and sizes. These slippery characters don’t set out to save the world. They may lie, cheat, or steal to get what they want, and their ends don’t justify their means. Unlike heroes, Tricksters are usually morally questionable. Like heroes, Tricksters usually come out of their adventures unscathed, having won the prize they desired and upset the regular social order in a way that will cause lasting effects for the people around them. A Trickster is a character who uses wits, rather than strength or authority, to accomplish his goals.