Numerology name meaning
Numerology name meaning

numerology name meaning

You seek to build empires, homes, businesses, legacies, and families. You are stoic, systematic, hardworking, trustworthy, and self-sacrificing (sometimes too much). Stability, order, security, practicality, and usefulness are your benchmarks of success. You feel a need to create a strong foundation and security that lasts for life, whether that relates to family, friends, love, home, money, health, or work. You’re all about being of service to others and creating a valuable, useful legacy. This Is What the Number 3 Means in Numerology.You’re destined to walk a unique path and to help others do the same. Your life path will take you from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

numerology name meaning

Focusing your efforts and pursuing self-expression is the absolute key to a happy life for you, and finding this balance can be a lifelong journey. If you can’t tune in to a genuine passion or talent, you can become self-destructive, depressed, or listless. Life is all about finding your true purpose and giving yourself fully to it. But people always listen to what you have to say-you’re charismatic. Others see you as unique, even eccentric. Your destiny sees you becoming well known, maybe even famous. You are healing, wise, inspiring, honest, witty, and positive.

numerology name meaning

You’re working to find your niche in the world by living authentically and passionately and doing what you’re good at. You’re all about finding your own calling and helping others find theirs. Your fulfillment comes from achieving something powerful as part of a collective. Your life path will take you from independence to collaboration and cooperation. Sometimes you may struggle with codependency or neediness, so you need to learn to cope on your own. To you, life is all about serving a higher purpose and working for a cause. You are wise, compassionate, nonjudgmental, self-aware, and extremely kind. Relationships make your whole world go around, and your mission is to collaborate and bring people together in harmony. You’re all about bringing people together.


You are determined to achieve your full potential. Your life path will take you from dependency through to self-sufficiency and on to leadership and originality. Excess stress and pressure can be issues for you-you take on so much and ask so much of yourself. You live life to the fullest, burn the candle at both ends, and work hard and play hard. You’re a natural leader, innovator, and boss. You are a go-getter, and your destiny is to rise to the top of your field. You’re all about leadership: high standards, perfectionism, passion, drive, ambition, confidence, and a thirst for power. Now you know what you’re all about and destined to do in your lifetime. Once you’ve found your destiny number, you can read up on what it means in the interpretation below. Looking at the destiny number of your chosen name could reflect an evolution from one destiny to another. But your chosen name represents how you see yourself and how others see you, which has the potential to develop dramatically as you mature. In these instances, many numerologists have softened their stance, saying that your birth name reveals your overall destiny, the blueprint of your life, and who you are within.

numerology name meaning

However, there are plenty of good reasons some people no longer want any association with their birth name. Many numerologists are pretty hard-core on that requirement because the energy of this name and its influence doesn’t disappear if you change it. When calculating your number, it’s important that you use your birth name (the full name printed on your birth certificate), even if you no longer use that name. This makes Rihanna’s destiny number the master destiny number of 11/2. Then, add each number together to get 2 + 2 + 7 = 11. These are called master destiny numbers, and they’re powerful numbers in their own right.ĭon’t get it? Here’s an example: Robyn Rihanna Fenty. If your destiny number is 11, 22, or 33, don’t reduce it down to 2, 4, or 6. First, match up the letters in your name to numbers: Your destiny number is calculated by getting to the root number of your full name (first, middle, and last) by reducing each name to a single digit, then adding up the total and reducing that to a single digit. Play icon The triangle icon that indicates to play

Numerology name meaning