While it’s still in stock as of this writing, we can’t guarantee it will be available when you read this. That’s unfortunate, because there’s really nothing as complex-yet-accessible as this kit that we’ve been able to find.
#Wedo education set upgrade
In 2022, Lego announced that it would discontinue the popular Mindstorms brand, meaning our former upgrade pick will be retired. I f you want a more advanced kit (and can still find it for sale): The Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor kit is a great option.

We determined that paying roughly $85 to $300 would get you all of the ideal features in a beginner robotics kit. The most expensive kits, which can cost $1,000 or even more, are better suited to advanced programmers. The cheapest kits tend to be singular in their purpose, reducing their long-term appeal. A reasonable price: We found robotics kits available at just about any price.Expandability: If you want to build more models with your kit, extra parts or expansion packs should be available for purchase.Graphical programming software: A beginner without prior programming experience should feel comfortable jumping right in, thanks to a drag-and-drop interface or a similar programming environment.Open-ended structure: You can build a variety of example robots, plus designs you invent yourself.This information might be provided via an instruction booklet or an app-the medium isn’t too important as long as the instructions are thorough. Excellent instructions: The directions should include a step-by-step guide to building an example robot or two, plus all the guidance a beginner needs to program the robot.

A complete package: Everything you need to build and program the robot should be contained in the box (though you will need to provide your own tablet, phone, or computer).